وظائف على الانترنت تبداء بمرتب 2000 دولار شهريا
للتفاصيل من هذا الموقع
كمبيوتر وانترنت
وظائف بمرتبات تبداء من 2000 دولار شهريا
اضيف بتاريخ: Friday, June 3rd, 2011 في 2:44 am
كلمات دلالية: القاهرة, كمبيوتر وانترنت, مصر
وظائف على الانترنت تبداء بمرتب 2000 دولار شهريا
للتفاصيل من هذا الموقع
اضيف بتاريخ: Friday, June 3rd, 2011 في 2:44 am
كلمات دلالية: القاهرة, كمبيوتر وانترنت, مصر
Prsonal details:-
Name: amar amin mohamed zaytoun
Sex : male
Address: Miami, Alexandria
Mobile: 0121613361
Date of birth: June 1″ 1987
Nationality: Egyptian
Marital status: single
Military service: a 3 year exemptian
Licensen in law
Granduated yaer: 2009
Grade: good
University: Alexandria university faculty of law
* Diploma in E-Marketing from the University of Cairo.(360 hours) *Diploma in Electronic Commerce from the University of Cairo
(360 hours).
*Diploma in Human Development with Dr. Ibrahim Elfiky.
*Diploma of time management.
*Diploma of successful thinking.
*Diploma of Management Working Group.
*4 sessions to prepare leaders with the University of Alexandria.
*Civic action field 4 sessions with the Ministry of Youth.
*Specialized course in word
*Specialized course in Internet
*Specializes in marketing blogs
*Specializes in social marketing sites
*Specializes in marketing video
*Specializes in the analysis of those sites
*Specializes in marketing by google adwor
*Specializes in marketing articles
*Specializes in marketing by email
*Specializes in marketing forums
Task completed
*Blog Marketing Training Courses Real Estate in Egypt and the Middle East
*Special website for the sessions Alfbs Facebook real estate marketing in Egypt and the Middle East
*Blog of the sessions of trade Aktronip Alastirad electronic marketing, import and export in Egypt and the Middle East Dr. Khaled Mohamed Khaled
*Site of the sessions of Commerce E-Marketing Aktronip import and export in Egypt and the Middle East Dr. Khaled Mohamed Khaled
* Working with Dr. Khaled Mohamed Khaled international expert and engineer Amr Youssef for a year
*arabic (Native language)
*english Level 11 with the Centre ibi
*french Level 4 with the centre cib
personal skills:-
*Ability to learn fast and adopt my felf to new taskes.
*Ability to work under stress and meet deadlines.
*Ability to communicate with the costomers.
*Ability to work in team.
Total Years of Experience 1 year
حاصل على معهد فنى صناعى شعبة تكنولوجيا انتاج
السلام عليكم
هو فيت الأعلان مش واضح