خدمات تعليمية

برنامج إدارة الجودة الشاملة بشهادة معتمدة (TQM)

برنامج تدريبي تقدمه جامعة القاهرة يؤهل للعمل بمجال الجودة وبشهادة معتمدة من جامعة القاهرة وقابلة للتوثيق من الخارجية
TQM is an approach, which allows an organization to utilize all its resources effectively towards delighting its customers, thereby providing a sustainable competitive global market. The course also examines QM performance
Improvement techniques to each and every process and operation within an organization. It successfully employs
business and leadership strategies to transform the organization. In today’s world, it is not enough to catch up on quality-survival demands that an organization continually improves its performance just to stay competitive

Program Objectives

To enhance trainee’s awareness of the quality concepts, theory, tools, techniques of quality improvement, and whatis six sigma
To enable trainees to select, apply and recommend appropriate quality tools and techniques to all activities in the business or organization
To enable trainees to understand the Strategic Quality Planning.
Analyze the contribution to quality of the tools and techniques in design and production
Understand and develop the relationship between an organization and its suppliers

Program Outlines

Quality Concepts

Quality Definitions
Quality Dimensions
Quality Management Spheres
Implementation Obstacles of QM

-2 Customer Satisfaction

Who is the Customer?
Customer-Driven Quality

-3Strategic Quality Planning

Leadership for Quality
Quality as a Strategy
Quality Strategy Process
Quality and Price/Cost/Productivity/Profit

4-. Quality Theory

Deming’s14 Points
Juran’s theory
Ishikawa & Feigenbaum’s theory
Crosby & Taguchi’s Theory

5-. Performance Measures

Quality Measures
Typical measurements
Quality Cost as a measure
Collection System Design

6- Quality Improvement Tools

Quality Cycle (PDCA)
Ishikawa’s Basic Tools of Quality
New Tools for Improvement
The Five Ss

7- Quality Management Techniques

Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
Benchmarking to Identify Improvement
Improvement by Quality Circle

8- Lean – Six Sigma

6Sigma concept
6Sigma Levels
6Sigma as Improvement Methodology

مواعيد الدورة
الجمعة 20-5-2011
وتعقد الدورة بشكل دوري شهريا

خصم خاص للمجموعات والهيئات

للاستعلام 0171088880

الدولة: مصر | المنطقة او المحافظة: القاهرة
معلومات الاتصال بصاحب هذا الاعلان

اضيف بتاريخ: Tuesday, May 17th, 2011 في 1:55 am

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